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React Meta


Hook designed to inspect the React Client state, like error handling and fetching state


  • Notify start fetching
  • Notify fetching complete
  • Notify on error
  • Notify on retry attempt
  • Filter selections you want to inspect in the specific hook
  • Returns current errors and fetching state


import { useMetaState } from '../gqless';
function Inspector() {
const { isFetching, errors } = useMetaState({
onStartFetching() {},
onDoneFetching() {},
onError({ newError, selections, isLastTry }) {},
onRetry({ retryPromise, selections }) {},
// Optional, if it's not specified, inspects everything
filterSelections: [['query', 'helloWorld']],
return (
{isFetching && <p>Fetching...</p>}
{errors && (
{, key) => {
return <li key={key}>{error.message}</li>;

Check API Reference

Last updated on by Sam Denty